Bayer Pattern
The difference between the usual color and monochrome black and white cameras is an additional layer of small color filters , mostly arranged in the so-called ” Bayer pattern ”.
Beam splitter
is an optical device that split an incoming beam into two beams that are traveling in different directions.
Beam splitter cubes typically use frustrated total internal reflection to split an incident beam. Left : Two prisms separated by a thin low refractive index film forming a beam-splitter cube. The incident beam is split into two beams by frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR).
Bearer bars / Barcode
Optional bars that constitute either a frame around an Interleaved 2 of 5 symbol or two bars across the top and bottom of the symbol. Historically, they were a byproduct of the printing process, but they can also be used to prevent scanning errors.
Bend loss or bending loss
is the attenuation in an optical fiber as a result of the bending of the Bend loss or bending.
Bend radius
is the local radius of the fiber axis when the fiber is bent, that is, the fiber axis follows a curvature. Typically attenuation increases exponentially with decreasing bend radius. Minimum bend radius is the shortest radius of curvature to which a fiber can be bent without the induced stress in the fiber exceeding the allowed stress.
Bessel function
of order n is a mathematical function that is a solution to the differential equation
where prime represents differentiation with respect to x, i.e. y2 = dy/dx, and n is a constant (independent of x and y). Bessel functions are either tabulated or graphed for various orders. looks like a damped sinusoidal wave. The electric field in cylindrical waveguides, coaxial cables, step index optical fibers, are generally described by Bessel functions. For example, for step index fibers, zeros of the Bessel function point to those values of the V-number at which various modes, with the exception of the fundamental mode, are cut-off (cannot propagate). For example, the mode is cut off when or when V = 2.405.