Modulo Check Character / Barcode
The modulo check character is based on the remainder in a mathematical formula where characters within the data string are assigned weighted values, summed and then divided by the modulus. This value is then appended to the data string. Modulo check characters are used to ensure the accuracy of a data scan.
Moving Beam Scanner
A device where scanning is achieved by mechanically moving a light beam through the bars of a bar code field.
Nanometer / Barcode
A bar code verification term. Unit of measure used to define the wavelength of light.
Net Data Density
A bar code verification term. The net data density of a linear bar code symbol is determined by dividing the number of characters in the symbol by the overall symbol length, measured from the leading edge of the start code to the trailing edge.
No-Read / Barcode
A failure to decode, resulting in no output.
Nominal / Barcode
A bar code verification term. The exact (or ideal) intended value for a specified parameter. Tolerances are specified as positive and negative deviations from this value.