

Term for a technical application. An application note describes an application that has been realized successfully.                                                                                                       


Side by side assembly of several standard sensors leads to a mutual influence of the alternating fields.                                                                                                                       

Approach direction

The direction an object is moving as it enters the active detection range of a sensor. Directional Sensor, in-cluding surveillance, detection, and tracking. Such sensors have a limited eld- of-view and a discrete set of directions they can be pointed to.

Ar ion laser

can provide powerful CW visible coherent radiation of several watts. The laser operation is achieved as follows: The Ar atoms are ionized by electron collisions in a high current electrical discharge. Further multiple collisions with electrons excite the argon ion, Ar+ , to a group of 4p energy levels 35 eV above the atomic ground state. Thus a population inversion forms between the 4p levels and the 4s level which is about 33.5 eV above the Ar atom ground level. Consequently, the stimulated radiation from the 4p levels down to the 4s level contains a series of wavelengths ranging from 351.1 nm to 528.7 nm. Most of the power however is concentrated, approximately equally, in the 488 and 514.5 nm emissions. The Ar+ ion at the lower laser level (4s) returns to its neutral atomic ground state via a radiative decay to the Ar+ ion ground state, followed by recombination with an electron to form the neutral atom. The Ar atom is then ready for "pumping" again. The Doppler broadened linewidth of the 514.5 nm radiation is about 3500MHz (∆υ) and is between the half-intensity points. Typically the argon-ion laser the discharge tube is made of Beryllia (Beryllium Oxide)

Arc lamps

Invented decades before it could be used, the first type of electric light was so brilliant it was used for lighthouses and street lamps.
An arc lamp produces light by the sparking (an electrical arc) of a high current between two conducting electrodes, usually carbon rods. English physicist Sir Humphry Davy invented the arc lamp in the early 1800s by using charcoal sticks and a battery with 2,000 cells to create an arc across a 4-inch (100 millimeter) gap. When suitable electric generators became available in the late 1870s, the practical use of arc lamps began. The Yablochkov candle, an arc lamp invented by the Russian engineer Pavel Yablochkov, was used for street lighting in Paris and other European cities starting in 1878.
Today the evidence of the great number of carbon arc lamps is mostly gone. Most of the bodies of the lamps were melted down for scrap for World War 1.

Argon Ion Lasers

can provide powerful CW visible coherent radiation of several watts. The laser operation is achieved as follows: The Ar atoms are ionized by electron collisions in a high current electrical discharge. Further multiple collisions with electrons excite the argon ion, Ar+ , to a group of 4p energy levels <35 eV above the atomic ground state. Thus a population inversion forms between the 4p levels and the 4s level which is about 33.5 eV above the Ar atom ground level. Consequently, the stimulated radiation from the 4p levels down to the 4s level contains a series of wavelengths ranging from 351.1 nm to 528.7 nm. Most of the power however is concentrated, approximately equally, in the 488 and 514.5 nm emissions. The Ar+  ion at the lower laser level (4s) returns to its neutral atomic ground state via a radiative decay to the Ar+ ion ground state, followed by recombination with an electron to form the neutral atom. The Ar atom is then ready for "pumping" again. The Doppler broadened linewidth of the 514.5 nm radiation is about 3500MHz (∆υ) and is between the half-intensity points. Typically the argon-ion laser the discharge tube is made of Beryllia (Beryllium Oxide).