Butt Cut
Form of label stock used in continuous operations. Butt cut stock usually yields an additional 10% more individual labels than die cut stock.
Butt jointed
optical fibers are two fibers that are placed end-to-end with their flat ends as close as possible to allow light exiting one fiber to enter the other fiber
Carrier confinement
is the restriction of injected charge carriers to a small volume to increase the carrier concentration. The restriction of injected carriers is achieved by using a heterojunction so that there is a step change in the conduction band edge or a step change in the valence band edge .
Cathode-ray tube (CRT)
is a vacuum tube device that uses an electron beam to provide an image on a luminous screen. Thermionically emitted electrons from a heated cathode at one end of the tube are accelerated by ring shaped anodes (hollow cylinders) which form an electrostatic lens system to focus the beam. Electrons pass through the anode rings and form a beam that strikes the enlarged end of the tube. The latter is coated on the inside with a fluorescent material (a phosphor) so that the region struck by the electron beam becomes luminous. A negative voltage applied to a grid between the cathode and the anode controls the intensity of the electron beam. The cathode (including the filament), grid and the anode assembly is termed an electron gun. The electron beam from the electron gun can be deflected by x and y deflection plates or by magnetic coils.
CCD / Barcode
Charge Coupled Device. Type of bar code scanner that uses LEDs (not lasers) to flood the bar code with light.
Centrosymmetric crystals
have a unit cell with a center of symmetry. If we draw a vector r from point O to any charge and then reverse the vector, i.e. make it -r, we will find the same charge. If, on the other hand, we do not find the same charge when we reverse the vector, then the unit cell is noncentrosymmetric.; r and -r point on to different ions. Non-centrosymmetric crystals exhibit.