Degenerate semiconductor
Degenerate semiconductor has so many dopants that the electron concentration in the conduction band (CB), or hole concentration in the valence band (VB), is comparable with the density of states in the band. Consequently the carriers interact with each other and Fermi-Dirac statistics must be used. The Fermi level is either in the CB for a n+ type degenerate, or in the VB for a p+ type degenerate semiconductor. The superscript + indicates a heavily doped semiconductor.
Demand Printer / Barcode
A printer capable of creating individual documents one at a time, as needed.
Density / Barcode
Specifies the width of the bars and spaces in the barcode and defines how many characters can be encoded per inch.
Density of states g(E)
is the number of electron states (e.g. wave functions, ,(n,l,ml,ms)) per unit energy per unit volume. g(E)dE is thus the number of states in the energy range E to E+dE per unit volume.
Depletion (space charge) layer capacitance
Depletion (space charge) layer capacitance is the incremental capacitance (dQ/dV) due to the change in the exposed dopant charges in the depletion layer as a result of the change in the voltage across
the pn junction.
Depletion layer (or space charge layer, SCL)
is a region around the metallurgical junction where recombination of electrons and holes has depleted this region of its large number of equilibrium majority carriers.