Postnet Code
A bar code symbology used primarily by the U.S. Postal Service for mail sortation. All bars and spaces are the same width. ZIP Code information is encoded into the particular arrangement of tall and short bars.
is a mechanical component with a variable resistance value. It can be used to adjust sensor functions such as the detection range.
Precision is the closeness of the measurements to each other.
Price Look-Up (PLU) / Barcode
In a retail POS (Point Of Sale) system, the UPC bar code field is a key field in a price file that when scanned, retrieves a price for the encoded item.
Print Contrast Signal (PCS)
A bar code verification term. Compares the amount of light reflected by the bars, in contrast to the amount of light reflected by the spaces in a bar code symbol. The Print Contrast Signal value is the bar reflectance expressed as a percentage of the space reflectance.Print Contrast Signal (PCS)
Compares the amount of light reflected by the bars, in contrast to the amount of light reflected by the spaces in a bar code symbol. The Print Contrast Signal value is the bar reflectance expressed as a percentage of the space reflectance.
Print Quality / Barcode
The measure of compliance of a bar code symbol to the requirements of dimensional tolerance, edge roughness, spots, voids, reflectance, PCS, quiet zone, and correct encoding.